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How to integrate Birdie + Survicate

Import survey responses from Survicate

Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

With the Data Export API, Birdie can easily import survey responses from your Survicate account. This API enables Birdie to fetch survey responses, list surveys and questions. See the Survicate Help center for more information about it's functionalities and usability.


  • Your company's Survicate account must be subscribed to a plan that includes access to the data export API.

  • A data exports API Key.

The API key can be found in the Survicate panel, specifically under the "Surveys Settings" tab.

This will open the "General" section for "Survey settings" and from there you can navigate to the "Access Keys" section.

The API key should be used to setup the integration.

Caution: The API key can be updated with the "Generate new" button and, if so, Birdie's connection with the API will be lost until the change is reported by the company and the new one sent.


  • API Key

  • Start and end date

    • Used to set a time range for the response time of the survey responses you want Birdie to import.

Survicate Structures

Detailed information about the structure of surveys, survey responses and respondents can be found within the Data Export API documentation.

Each question within a survey can have a different type. Survicate has multiple question types, but for the integration to work, the surveys must have at least one (and only one) question of type NPS or CSAT, and any number of questions of other types.

A NPS type question can be created by simply choosing NPS from Survicate's type list.

Setting up a CSAT type question is less straightforward: CSAT will be a specific subsetting of a Rating type question.

Birdie's connector will transform these entities into a feedback. A feedback will have:

  • a text field which is a compilation of the questions and answers for a specific survey response

  • the name of the survey to which the response belongs

  • the kind of the response (NPS or CSAT)

  • the rating of the response

  • the date the survey was answered by the user

For example, should Birdie want to evaluate it's clients feedbacks with the survey:

A feedback built from a survey response for this survey might look something like:

"text": "How satisfied are you with Birdie?\ncsat: 5 (Satisfied)\n\nWhat more features would you like from Birdie?\nIt would be useful if Birdie could import Smiley scale type questions\n\nHow would you rate Birdie's usefulness to you?\nrating: 4",
"kind": "csat",
"rating": "5",
"title": "survey 01",
"posted_at": "2024-07-01T10:30:00Z",
"additional_fields": {
"How satisfied are you with Birdie?": 5,
"What more features would you like from Birdie?": "It would be useful if Birdie could import Smiley scale type question",
"How would you rate Birdie's usefulness to you?": 4

Custom fields

All the additional data provided by Survicate's Data Export API that doesn't fit into the previous schema can be imported by Birdie as "additional fields". Additional fields can be used to set up custom fields, which enables text search and filtering within these fields.

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