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How to use the Filters / Como Usar os Filtros
How to use the Filters / Como Usar os Filtros

Filters allow you to have more specific Keywords and Feedbacks

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Written by CS Team
Updated over a week ago

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Birdie's filtering tools assist users in refining and organizing feedback data to uncover valuable insights and recognize trends or patterns. By employing these filters, users can focus on particular criteria or keywords, eliminate irrelevant feedback within a given context, and, as a result, streamline the analysis of user input. This functionality empowers quicker and more informed product decision-making, drawing from the insights derived through the meticulous filtering of user feedback.

To access them, just click on the icon on the top left corner:

*Some filter names and positions may change versus your current app version

Time Filter

Allows users to filter or sort content based on the time it was posted.

Feedback Intention

Feedback Intention is a filter for categorizing the underlying purpose or goal expressed within user feedback or conversations. It involves identifying whether the user's intention to provide feedback relates to reporting an issue, giving a compliment, making a request, or asking a question.


The sentiment filter helps to categorize the emotional tone or attitude expressed in natural language text, typically as Positive, Negative, or Neutral, within the context of a conversation or feedback.


The rating filters help to categorize the quality or rating of content, typically on a scale or within predefined categories, to help evaluate and sort user feedback or content based on its perceived quality or rating. Users can filter by range or an exact rating and filter feedback that did not receive a rating.


Users can sort, organize, or refine the topics and subtopics discovered and created within the platform's Topics tab. Then, these topics can be used as filters that may enable users to focus on specific categories of topics or subtopics, such as those related to Product Areas or Other Topics.

Feedback Type

This filter enables you to choose a particular type of feedback from the various sources that can be integrated into the Birdie platform.

Feedback Details

This filter allows you to concentrate on specific technical details intrinsic to the type of feedback being discussed. It is especially valuable for managing Support Tickets, Meeting Transcripts, or any other feedback collected within the context of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

Custom Fields

Here you can filter the Custom Fields created for different use cases, just like:

💡 Remembering: You can import any other information as a Custom Field.

For CSV uploads, just keep the column in your CSV, and Birdie will automatically use the column name to create the Custom Field. You can later rename the custom field in the Settings tab.

Regarding integrations, you can set up additional Custom Fields (based on the specific integration type). These Custom Fields can complement the standard fields that Birdie already imports, including those mentioned earlier. For instance, you can incorporate specific tags applied to customer support calls, which can become integral parts of your CRM process.

Saving Filters

You can save filter sets to streamline your analysis process. If you're concentrating on a subset you want to monitor over time, simply apply your filters and save them as "Saved Views" for easy access the next time you use the platform.

💡Pro Tip: With "Saved Views" you can effortlessly create comparative scenarios and track them over time using the Tracking feature found in the Dashboards tab. In this example, each line represents a "Saved View" that has been saved for continuous monitoring.

To know more about Save Views access this article.

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