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How to Import CSV Files / Como Importar Arquivos CSV
How to Import CSV Files / Como Importar Arquivos CSV

Uploading your feedback data using spreadsheets to start your analysis

CS Team avatar
Written by CS Team
Updated over a week ago

Artigo versão em Português

Here is how to do it:

1. Select your feedback data type

NPS? Public reviews? Support tickets? Other types? It doesn't matter! Select the type of feedback that you will be uploading.

2. Upload your CSV or XLSX or XLS file

Click on the button to select the file or drag and drop it to our platform. Your call. Get a template of how the file must be imported here.

3. Map the columns

Relate the Data Fields with your File Columns before the import. The ONE mandatory column that needs to be mapped for the data upload is:

  • Text: it's literally the user's comment that will be analyzed (the content of the feedback itself, i.e. "the Analytics feature helped me to generate insights")

There are other non-mandatory columns that you can map, such as:

  • Feedback_id: this is the unique identifier for the feedback coming from the source platform. It can be created manually since it will remain unique for each feedback record.

  • Posted at: the date the feedback was given.
    ⚠️ Important: the platform only accepts certain formats, you can check the valid formats by clicking here, once you format the date, hit save, and DO NOT close the CSV file until the import is done, otherwise you will lose the format.

  • Score: the score of the feedback (ex: NPS score; CSAT score or review rating)

  • Title: the title of the feedback for cases where there is one (i.e. "Great feature!")

  • Custom Fields: any additional information related to feedback useful to filter or segment

💡 Pro Tip: you can import any other information as a Custom Field. To do that, just keep the column in your CSV and Birdie will automatically use the column name to create the Custom Field. You can later rename the custom field in the Settings tab.

4. Verify the data

Check if everything you mapped is ok. If you have invalid rows and want to eliminate them, just click here:

and then here:

Voilá! In a few minutes, all your data will be on the platform and you will be able to start classifying your data.

💡 Pro Tip: To import more data via CSV, go to the sources tab and follow these same steps. You can also set up an integration between your main feedback source and Birdie.

Have any more questions? Please call us on the chat.

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